VVC-U of Iowa-3946


  • $1,211.00

Ad5CMVhIL-10: Adenoviral vector with CMV (Cytomegalovirus) promoter driving the expression of the human Interleuken-10 protein. Vector made in the lab of Beverly Davidson. Made to order and may not always be in stock.  Please allow approximately 4 weeks for delivery. 


Machuca TN, Cypel M, Bonato R, Yeung JC, Chun YM, Juvet S, Guan Z, Hwang DM, Chen M, Saito T, Harmantas C, Davidson BL, Waddell TK, Liu M, Keshavjee S. Safety and Efficacy of Ex Vivo Donor Lung Adenoviral IL-10 Gene Therapy in a Large Animal Lung Transplant Survival Model. Hum Gene Ther. 2017 Sep;28(9):757-765. doi: 10.1089/hum.2016.070. Epub 2017 Jan 4. PMID: 28052693.


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